Saturday 2 November 2019


I think I should say I am taking part again in the great and wonderful thing that is NaNoWriMo. If you run along to you will see that this is where writers around the world try to knock together a first draft of a novel in a month. They aim to achieve 50,000-word draft or above. We are on holiday but I am not letting that deter me!
I am working on my second novel. For those that like the technical detail. I am using my Acer Chromebook and an app called Dabble which takes care of most of the formatting worries and the word count.
This may seem like a crazy or impossible task but really it isn't. First drafts aren't perfect and are an opportunity to try and let the story flow out of you. 
It is not too late to join in the fun of doing this, with the help of a supportive community.